Gluten is a technically a protein substance that remains when starch is removed from cereal grains. It is used, among many other things, to give cohesivesness to dough and as a filler in many processed foods. Gluten can commonly be found in: enriched wheat flour, grain products, processed foods, condiments and many starches.

Please refer to the following link for a thorough list of gluten- containing foods:
A gluten sensitivity is basically an allergy to founds containing gluten. Allergic reactions can vaary from person to person and can range from headaches and feelings of extreme tiredness, to abdominal cramping and nausea. The degree to which one has an allergy are also unique to the individaul, specifically meaning that some may be able to tolerate foods that have a lower overall "gluten count" while others may not.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine, which is affected by consumption of gluten- containing products. This leads to a truncation of the villi, which are small hairs, that line the small intestine. Celiac disease differs from a gluten senstivity because, when not treated, the body can begin to attack normal intestinal tissue as a reaction to disgesting gluten. Because of this, a person with Celiac disease is at a higher risk for nutritional deficencies and a variety of diseases, including but not limited to, thyroid mal-function, Type 1 Diabetes, and intestinal damage.

Eating a diet that is Gluten- free can be exciting, delicious, and rewarding. There are many alternative grains that we have at our disposal to compliment a gluten- free diet. Not to mention fresh, organic fruits and veggies, along with Organic meats and dairy.

There is life, after Gluten. I promise! I only know this because of experience. Eating Gluten free might not appear to be an easy life change to make, but in the end, like most things, it can be done quite simply. And your body will thank you!


Candida albicans is a fungus that is normally present on the skin and in mucous membranes such as the vagina, mouth skin, or rectum. The fungus also can travel through the blood stream and affect the throat, intestines, and heart valves.Candida albicans becomes an infectious agent when there is some change in the body environment that allows it to grow out of control.

-Oral Thrush
-Jock itch
-Acne/ skin disorders
-Athletes foot/ nail fungus
-Rectal itching
-Overwhelming feelings of tiredness
-Depression/ Emotional Mood Swinngs
-Food Cravings for sugar and starchy foods
-Gas, Flatulence
-Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
-Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid, cold hands and feet, low body temperature)
-Rectal Itching
-Re-occuring yeast infections in the genitals
-Allergic reaction to mold
-Brain Fog and feeling out of sorts
-Baby Diaper Rash
-Baby Thrush
-Nipple Thrush from breast feeding


1) Replacing refined starch products/sugar/dairy in the diet with low carbohydrate vegetables, lean meats, nuts/seeds, and many other foods our world has to offer!

2) Combating the Candida overgrowth with: natural probiotics, anti-fungal remedies, and at home tonics.

3) Replacing caffeinated beverages with Green tea and other non-fermented drinks.

4) Figuring out what diet/ lifestyle changes work the best for you. ONE way of eating will not work for all persons, but experimentation is the only way to truly understand how your body reacts to certain nutrients, or lack therof.

5) Commiting yourself to change, growth, and patience. The only way to really truly feel well is to be persistant, loving, and understanding of your own self.


1) Coconut Oil: can be used internally and externally as a topical ointment. Coconut oil contains medium chain, yes saturated, fatty acids that are very beneficial to the body when consumed in the Virgin, Orgainc Coconut oil variety. It can be used in cooking (even baking and high heat!) and also as a basic replacement for butter. My recommendation: I have found a huge benefit to injesting four tablespoons of Coconut oil per day. This though, needs to be worked up to, to avoid experiencing Candida "die off" symptoms that occur when the Candida begins to lessen. A wise way to start is by one tablespoon or even teaspoon per day, working up to four tablespoons a day from there. I also like to treat it like a food and chew the oil in my mouth before swallowing. Let me know what your experiences are as well with this!

2) Apple Cider Vinegar: can be combined with lemon or lime-aide and stevia for a great treat! Can also be used as a straight mouthe wash to combate oral thrush, but only if quickly followed by a thorough cleaning of the mouth/ teeth/ gums to prevent enamel decay. My recommendation: I like to add Apple Cider Vinegar to salads and drinks. To combate Oral Thrush: I fought my own case with this by using ACV as a mouthwash and immediately following it with brushing my teeth, scraping my tongue ( with a tongue scraper) flossing my teeth and finally gargling with Listerine mouthwash.

3) Garlic: best when consumed raw and can also be consumed in a pill form. Try making your own homemade Cilantro or Pesto paste with lots of olive oil, garlic and spices! It is a great way to feel satisfied while also adding a creative twist to an olive oil dressing. Or as a veggie dip

4) Pau d'arco Tea: this wonderful anti fungal agent can be found at most health food stores as well as on the internet. Found commonly in South America, the Pau d'arco plant has a natural resistence to fungus and mold. The inner bark of the tree is what has been found to help as an anti-fungal ingredient and is the main ingredient in the tea. By injesting the tea itself, the body begins to naturally adapt a resistence to yeast overgrowth. My recommendation: I like to drink four cups a day, 6 ounces each with Stevia as a sweetener. I allow the tea to steep for 15 minutes, covered and then press the tea bag to remove any remaining juices. The tea can also me made in bulk to help if time constraints exist.


There is so much hype these days about what kind of fat to eat, how much, and so on. I am providing here my insight from what I have learned, studied, and experimented with. Like anything else, nutrition and food choices are unique to each and every individual on the planet. What work for you, might not work for your best friend, sister, husband, dog, etc. You get the picture. It is just a smart concept to keep in mind when learning anything new about nutrition, end of story.



Oils: These would include, but not limited to: soy oil, corn oil, some highly processed canola oil, vegetable oil, and as an overview many oils that are added to processed foods, unless otherwise specified. Many of these fats are synthetic and created using a heat process that can create an oil the is many times genetically modified, human- made, and more detrimental than benefical to overall health.

Animal fats from non- organic meat: Just stay away from these.....for good reason. Organic meat is by all means a wonderul food to eat daily for most people, especially if you are eating for Candida or diabetes, but please try to pick only Organic, un-cured meats. Non- organic meat is filled with hormones, antibiotics, and other not so great goodies.

Animal Dairy: For some people the animal fats found in dairy can be a big no-no, for others they work very welll. Listen to your body and go from there.

and now...


Oils/Fish: Flax seed, Olive oil, Walnut oil, Grapeseed oil, Evening Primrose oil, and Coconut oil. Eating fatty fish, specifically salmon and anchovies, which naturally contain beneficial oils is also a great option!These are each, with individual reasons, great health boosters and an ways to supplement your current eating plan to feel more satisfied and content with how you are eating. It is super duper important to make sure you have a high intake of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Here is a great link to read up on more about this topic.

Nuts Seeds: Your best bets would be Walnuts, Almonds, Macademia nuts, Pecans, Cashews, Sunflower Seeds, and Flax seeds. As specified in the website above, nuts are also a great way to up your intake a of great fats for your body. And they are easy and great for on the go!

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